Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mr. Macdev's Guitar

"The concert is the next Saturday at the Grey Rock Park and I would like for you to be there at 10 in the morning so that we can do a quick run through and get everyone ready. You think you can do that?" George asked Mr. Macdev while helping him get his music gathered.
"Uh...Um, well yeah, I guess I could, um, do that." Mr. Macdev replied as he got the last of his music. "And, um, thanks again Mr. Blant, for asking me."
"It's no problem at all, I'm very happy that you are able to do it." George said smiling as he opened the door.
As Mr. Macdev walked down the stairs George turned around and sighed. Mr. Macdev had left his guitar case on the stool.
'Oh Mr. Macdev.' George thought as he picked up the guitar case and proceeded to quickly walk down the stairs to make sure he got to Mr. Macdev before he left. "God, please be with Mr. Macdev and help him be more careful about not leaving his stuff places, that could end really badly for him.'
George made it down the stairs just in time to see Mr. Macdev realize he had left his guitar upstairs. He turned around and smiled a nervous smile when he saw that George had already brought it down for him. George smiled back and handed Mr. Macdev his guitar and out of the cornor of his eye he saw the most beautiful fair-skinned girl he had ever seen in his entire life.

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